SHGs were set up to uplift low-income households and the less privileged, in the Chinese, Eurasian, Muslim, and Indian communities in Singapore. 

The CPF Board collects SHG contributions on behalf of the SHGs. You’re expected to deduct SHG contributions from your employees’ wages.

Please refer to the CPF website for more information:

Employees should contribute to the respective SHG funds as shown in the website.

Employees who do not wish to contribute or wish to contribute a different amount can contact the respective SHGs for more information.

You’re expected to deduct the SHG contributions from your employees' wages.

If for the case that you employee do not wish to contribute to the SHG funds, please uncheck this button in your employee profile:

If you are unable to find the answer from this help guide, please email to us at [email protected].
Alternative, you may send a request ticket from

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